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Grades 9/10/11 Linear Relations and Analytic Geometry
Linear and non-linear relations. Solving linear equations and linear systems. Analytic geometry and statistics.
This is one of seven strands of the CEMC Grade 9/10/11 courseware. The other strands and more information about this courseware is available on the Grade 9/10/11 homepage.
Unit 1: Linear Equations
Unit 2: Characteristics of Linear Relations
Unit 3: Connecting Various Representations of Linear Relations
Unit 4: Properties of Slope
Unit 5: Equations of Linear Relations and Problem Solving
Unit 6: Solving Linear Systems of Equations
In this lesson, we will begin looking at solving linear systems of two equations by graphing.
In this lesson, we will look at solving a system of equations algebraically. We will use the methods of substitution and elimination.
In this lesson, we will model various descriptions of linear systems. We will use the developed model to solve problems, answer questions, and interpret the meaning of the solution within the given context.
All of the pencil and paper practice exercises, answers, and solutions for this unit are reproduced here.
This is a collection of additional, and sometimes challenging, problems that extend the material covered in this unit, connect material from different lessons, and further explore real-world applications.